Category: Take Action

Strangers and aliens no more

After many planning phone calls and much discernment, the Pink Menno leadership team is excited to announce a theme of: Strangers and aliens no more: one humanity, for the Phoenix 2013 convention. This theme draws from the Ephesians 2:14-22 being

Get it while it lasts: “Columbus Vintage”

Pink Menno all started with the idea of wearing pink in Columbus two years ago.  Since then, we’ve sold 100’s of official Pink Menno t-shirts, bandannas, and bracelets and you’ve found countless other ways to show your pink.  I joked

pink: a daily practice

I spent some time Friday morning updating the Pink Gear store, adding our Pittsburgh t-shirts and updating the stock levels for sizes and such. Unfortunately for folks who weren’t at Pittsburgh, we have very few left. But the good news

Workshop Reflections: “Putting the T in LGBT”

Thursday was a full day for Pink Mennos! Workshops, Hymn Sings, Movie Screenings, Really BIG Hymn Sings, Coffeehouse and Conversations. I attended and particularly enjoyed the Brethren Mennonite Council sponsored workshop on “Putting the T in LGBT”–understanding transgender. Even as

Join the “Be a Bridge” Campaign

“Be a Bridge” Campaign! Pink Menno challenges you to take action to support the “Be a Bridge” campaign!  In Pittsburg, we will work to “Be a Bridge” by: standing and smiling peacefully in the midst of uncomfortable conversations. speaking and singing

Join our call to MC USA Leadership

Help us support an alternative to the silencing of LGBTQ Mennonites. Click here to read and sign a letter to Ervin Stutzman and the rest of MC USA leadership in response to the silencing of Randall Spaulding.

Jumpstarting the Pittsburgh Campaign

Pink Menno is jump-starting the Pink Menno Campaign for the upcoming convention in Pittsburgh, and would appreciate your support. Click here to read more about Pink Menno’s plans, and about how you can help!

Jim Schrag’s Letter to Conference Leaders

Jim Schrag, executive director of MCUSA, recently wrote a letter to conference leaders about Pink Menno. This letter was printed in the 8-18-2009 edition of The Mennonite. Click here to read the letter. Click here for Pink Menno’s response to
