Contributed by Luke L Miller Chester Wenger’s “An open letter to my beloved church” in 2014 was a beautiful, poignant reflection by a man who dedicated his life to the Mennonite Church on why he had chosen to perform the…
Contributed by Luke L Miller Chester Wenger’s “An open letter to my beloved church” in 2014 was a beautiful, poignant reflection by a man who dedicated his life to the Mennonite Church on why he had chosen to perform the…
Contributed by Stephanie Krehbiel In 2009, I started a doctoral program in American Studies at the University of Kansas, with a plan to study what, on a good day, I call “the conflicts around sexual diversity in the Mennonite church,”…
Contributed by Stephanie Krehbiel (con’t from part 1) Let’s look at some more recent history. In 2011, in advance of the Mennonite Church USA convention in Pittsburgh, Everett Thomas, editor of The Mennonite at the time, wrote an editorial for…
by Gerald J. Mast The Messiah has already arrived, the messianic event has already happened, but its presence contains within itself another time, which stretches its parousia, not in order to defer it, but, on the contrary, to make it…
Kirsten Freed shared the following reflection on her experience in Pittsburgh, originally posted on the Coming Out Strong blog. She is currently the volunteer intern with BMC (Brethren Mennonite Council for LGBT Interests) and supports the Kaleidoscope program. From BMC’s…
Thursday was a full day for Pink Mennos! Workshops, Hymn Sings, Movie Screenings, Really BIG Hymn Sings, Coffeehouse and Conversations. I attended and particularly enjoyed the Brethren Mennonite Council sponsored workshop on “Putting the T in LGBT”–understanding transgender. Even as…
Ironic close-up of a beautiful mural in the MCUSA exhibit hall, where PinkMenno was denied booth space. I will skip to the main point: Allies Matter. Allies Matter A Lot. This was one of the main conclusions of both workshops…
An exciting aspect of the convention exhibit hall for many is the college booths. Not only is this a great place to receive free shirts, college paraphernalia and play Just Dance, but it is also a place to think about…