Category: Be a Bridge

Lasting Impressions

On the last day of convention, three teenage boys, an adult from their church, and another man came into the hospitality room and asked if there was someone with whom they could have a legitimate theological discussion about what the

Workshop Reflections: “Putting the T in LGBT”

Thursday was a full day for Pink Mennos! Workshops, Hymn Sings, Movie Screenings, Really BIG Hymn Sings, Coffeehouse and Conversations. I attended and particularly enjoyed the Brethren Mennonite Council sponsored workshop on “Putting the T in LGBT”–understanding transgender. Even as

Bridges to (the) Cross

Bridges to (the) Cross. The theme for this week can be interpreted in various ways. Many have taken the literal route removing the post-modern parentheses. Bridges to the Cross. This way gives one meaning. The life, death and resurrection of
