Category: Pittsburgh ’11

Stepping Out of Shame

Kirsten Freed shared the following reflection on her experience in Pittsburgh, originally posted on the Coming Out Strong blog. She is currently the volunteer intern with BMC (Brethren Mennonite Council for LGBT Interests) and supports the Kaleidoscope program. From BMC’s

statements and Spirit

Pittsburgh 2011 seemed to be a week in which I was called to have difficult conversations with people who have a very restrictive view of sexuality. Though it was exhausting work, I did find moments of respite with good friends


I have trouble deciding what to do on Thursday evening. I’m registered for the MennoNight Fun Run and for days I’ve looked forward to this escape, 6.2 beautiful miles of running on the trail by the Allegheny River through downtown

we are knit together

Deb Bergen sent this reflection to us at [email protected].  (If you have a story, reflection, or creative writing to share with the Pink Menno community, please don’t hold back! We would love to publish it here!)  Deb was not at

Lasting Impressions

On the last day of convention, three teenage boys, an adult from their church, and another man came into the hospitality room and asked if there was someone with whom they could have a legitimate theological discussion about what the

Marginalized and Centered

Amy Yoder McGloughlin, pastor of Germantown Mennonite Church in Philadelphia, PA shared this reflection on her experience in Pittsburgh with us via e-mail.  At the end of this post, you can also watch the “Be A Bridge” youtube video Amy

A Reflection on the Conversation

Donna Minter originally posted the following reflection as a comment on the earlier post “The Conversation Room” by Stephanie Krehbiel. Since it can obviously stand alone as a PinkMennoPress post, I asked her permission to make it so. I’m sure


On Thursday I arrived at the lobby in front of the exhibition hall about halfway through the daily Pink Menno noon worship service. For the most part, I’ve participated in any Pink Menno-led worship that I’ve attended, but this time

a week of many things

Our week in Pittsburgh has been many things: intense, exhausting, reviving, hopeful, infuriating, disappointing, healing.  The range of emotion and experience is wide, but in the end, I have faith that we have fulfilled our purpose for this time and

Workshop Reflections: “Putting the T in LGBT”

Thursday was a full day for Pink Mennos! Workshops, Hymn Sings, Movie Screenings, Really BIG Hymn Sings, Coffeehouse and Conversations. I attended and particularly enjoyed the Brethren Mennonite Council sponsored workshop on “Putting the T in LGBT”–understanding transgender. Even as
