I have trouble deciding what to do on Thursday evening. I’m registered for the MennoNight Fun Run and for days I’ve looked forward to this escape, 6.2 beautiful miles of running on the trail by the Allegheny River through downtown…
I have trouble deciding what to do on Thursday evening. I’m registered for the MennoNight Fun Run and for days I’ve looked forward to this escape, 6.2 beautiful miles of running on the trail by the Allegheny River through downtown…
On Thursday I arrived at the lobby in front of the exhibition hall about halfway through the daily Pink Menno noon worship service. For the most part, I’ve participated in any Pink Menno-led worship that I’ve attended, but this time…
One of my professors at KU describes ethnographic fieldwork as “attentive hanging out.” This is the phrase I repeated to myself periodically today when the convention threatened to overwhelm my senses. It’s a comforting phrase. It helps me focus when…
Dear Pink Mennos, Hi! I just arrived in Pittsburgh and I’m writing with a quick introduction. My name is Stephanie Krehbiel, and I’m a doctoral student at the University of Kansas in the Department of American Studies and the Department…