Category: Pittsburgh ’11

The Scarlet Letter

I felt it immediately. The ‘scarlet letter’, Chris Parks called it. When I first traded my yellow v-neck on Tuesday for a pink ‘How Will You Be a Bridge’ shirt, it was as if I had traded in my privilege

many flavors and colors

Today a child from the Children’s Gathering program walked up and gave this beautiful (and delicious) note to Arthur Kauffman, an awesome Pink Menno who has been volunteering with Pink Menno this week and also contributing posts and photos. Amen.

Wednesday Workshops: Accompaniment & Coming Out Strong

Ironic close-up of a beautiful mural in the MCUSA exhibit hall, where PinkMenno was denied booth space. I will skip to the main point: Allies Matter. Allies Matter A Lot. This was one of the main conclusions of both workshops

Late night Reflection

The following is a reflection shared with me by Derek Yoder.  We met in the Hospitality Room on Tuesday and was then beginning to formulate a response to Shane Hipps’ message in the opening worship session Monday night. Thanks Derek 

Safe Spaces on Mennonite College Campuses

An exciting aspect of the convention exhibit hall for many is the college booths. Not only is this a great place to receive free shirts, college paraphernalia and play Just Dance, but it is also a place to think about


As every day passes, one can feel the almost palpable momentum as more people find the Hospitality Room on the third floor of the Marriott Courtyard, more people wear pink, and more people show up to events and hymn sings.

Mid-Week Update

So much has happened here in Pittsburgh already. I find myself overwhelmed with the task of trying to document and share it with those who aren’t here! Here a few highlights and items that will give you a taste of

The Conversation Room

One of my professors at KU describes ethnographic fieldwork as “attentive hanging out.” This is the phrase I repeated to myself periodically today when the convention threatened to overwhelm my senses. It’s a comforting phrase. It helps me focus when

Bridges to (the) Cross

Bridges to (the) Cross. The theme for this week can be interpreted in various ways. Many have taken the literal route removing the post-modern parentheses. Bridges to the Cross. This way gives one meaning. The life, death and resurrection of

Justice can be Reconciling

I’m not sure I could possibly overstate it: The convention worship space is HUGE. Massive. And absolutely very loud. I don’t mind the loudness so much and enjoy a break from Sing the Story/Journey to indulge some contemporary tunes. I
