Help us crowd source the news about our presence at the Mennonite Church USA Convention in Kansas City.
What does that mean? Since we don’t have any paid staff, we need your help to get this announcement out to as many people as possible on June 1st and following days. Here are some ideas on how you can help us do that:
1. Share the announcement on Facebook, Twitter and other social media.
- Share this post on Facebook about the symposium
- Share this photo promoting the June 30 worship service
2. Write about it on your blog
Tell your readers why you are exciting about the symposium, and why it’s important to you. Drop us a line at [email protected] so we can read (and share) your thoughts. If it’s useful, you can use our story about the symposium on Pink Menno Press as a reference.
3. Download, print and post a poster at your local Mennonite congregation or institutions.
4. Put an announcement in your church bulletin on June 7. Here’s the text-
Pink Menno invites you to join us for a symposium focused on intersectionality. We will convene “On the Way: Dis-Covering Diversity” during the Mennonite convention this summer in Kansas City (Missouri) from July 1-4. Each day of the symposium will be built around one of the four pillars: queer liberation, trauma healing and resilience, structural power within MCUSA, and resistance to white supremacy. These pillars are designed as a starting point to enable participants to continue learning in their everyday lives.
The symposium flows out of collaborative work with Inclusive Pastors, the Brethren Mennonite Council for LGBT Interests (BMC) and Our Stories Untold (OSU). The symposium is free, though donations welcome. Registration for the MCUSA convention is required to access the Pink Menno hospitality room. For more information on all the workshops and seminars in the Symposium, including descriptions and times, please visit
5. Know people who you think would be interested? Just tell them!
Give them a call, write them an email, send them a post card, tap them on the shoulder, text message them, ring their door bell. Any method of communication will do.
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