Here are just a few ways you can get involved in Pink Menno RIGHT NOW:
1. Join our group on Facebook!
2. Educate yourself. If you know LGBTQ Mennonites, ask them to share with you their story. Listen and learn. Search out resources that address the questions you have – see the “Resources” page on this website for a place to start.
3. Join us in Kansas City! We plan to be a fun, joyful, loving, visible presence of LGBTQ inclusion. Wear pink (bring some or stop by our hospitality room to load up on Pink Menno gear), participate in discussion and sharing with other convention-goers, join us in pink hymn sings, come to a workshop or coffeehouse, or dream up your own way to communicate your message. It’s not too early to start planning your involvement! Contact us at [email protected] to plug in.
4. While in Kansas City, join us for “On the Way: Dis-Covering Diversity”, a symposium focused on intersectionality. Help us spread the word.
5. Tell 5 friends or family members about Pink Menno, whether or not you think they’ll support it. Explain why you support it and why you think it’s important.
6. Wear pink! Wear pink to church, to work, or while walking your dog and explain why you’re wearing pink when people ask. See the “Pink Gear” tab above if you want to purchase t-shirts, bandanas, bracelets, or more to display our message.
7. Donate to Pink Menno to support the planning and organizing that we’re doing now.
8. Practice “living pink.” Strive for love and acceptance in your daily life. Accept yourself, just as you are and just as God accepts you. Have gratitude for the unconditional love you receive from God. And in turn, practice sharing that love with everyone (yes, everyone), in your actions, your words, your eyes, and your light.
9. Pray.
That’s what being pink is all about.