Whew! It’s been a LONG day working for PinkMenno at the Pittsburgh MCUSA convention, but a lot of progress has been made. We’ve been equipped with bracelets, scarves, stickers, and roughly 400 folded shirts bearing four fabulous designs. The hospitality room – located on the third floor of the Mariott Courtyard – is currently set up, so anyone is welcome to stop by at any time. We had some representatives from EMU Safe Spaces come in and help fold shirts and generally put things together, and we’ve had a huge variety of other volunteers as well. Tonight we had a hymn sing before the joint worship session, which I was unable to attend but heard went just swimmingly. There was also a rehearsal for theĀ “Choir for Inclusion,” which again, I didn’t attend but was told went marvelously. Tomorrow we have planned an early morning meditation, two open worships, and three hymn sings. Please continue to keep us all in your prayers!
– Kerry Bush, PMPress