Be a Bridge

“Be a Bridge” Campaign!

Pink Menno challenges you to take action to support the “Be a Bridge” campaign! In Pittsburgh, we will work to “Be a Bridge” by:

  • standing and smiling peacefully in the midst of uncomfortable conversations.
  • speaking and singing an unconditional “Welcome!” for those who have feel marginalized or disappointed by the church.
  • affirming youth who may not know that it’s possible be a part of a Mennonite community that celebrates Christian faith and God-given sexuality.
  • sharing a vision of hope and healing for the Mennonite church and all its members.
Now, we need YOU to help build momentum by sharing a story about how you’ve been a bridge in this movement, how you’ve seen bridging at work, or how you commit to being a bridge in the future.


Here’s how:

1. Watch the videos PinkMennos have already contributed (above or here).

2. Consider what YOU believe and in what what YOU are willing to publicly commit to being a bridge in the Mennonite Church.

3. Record yourself using a webcam or digital camera. (If you don’t have a video camera, don’t know how to use it, or are just plain camera shy, keep reading to see how you can still contribute!)

4. Upload the video to your own YouTube account* and email [email protected] with the link. We’ll add it to our campaign playlist.

*If you don’t have a YouTube account or don’t want people watching other videos you’ve uploaded, contact [email protected] and we’ll figure out how to get yourmovie file. We’ll upload it to our account.

5. Communicate your passion! Email, Facebook, Tweet, grab the mic during sharing time, and send old-fashioned, old-timey letters about your video so that people can’t pretend they don’t know what’s up!

Lower-Tech Option: What’s that you say? You don’t have a camera on your computer? Too complicated? Camera shy? No problem! Contribute your written message and we’ll read it for you on camera! Just email your “Be A Bridge” statement to [email protected] and let us know who to attribute it to.

Now Go Forth!
(actually, stay seated…so you can record your video.)

Share your voice! Be a Bridge.