Amy Yoder McGloughlin, pastor of Germantown Mennonite Church in Philadelphia, PA shared this reflection on her experience in Pittsburgh with us via e-mail. At the end of this post, you can also watch the “Be A Bridge” youtube video Amy…
Amy Yoder McGloughlin, pastor of Germantown Mennonite Church in Philadelphia, PA shared this reflection on her experience in Pittsburgh with us via e-mail. At the end of this post, you can also watch the “Be A Bridge” youtube video Amy…
On Thursday I arrived at the lobby in front of the exhibition hall about halfway through the daily Pink Menno noon worship service. For the most part, I’ve participated in any Pink Menno-led worship that I’ve attended, but this time…
Ironic close-up of a beautiful mural in the MCUSA exhibit hall, where PinkMenno was denied booth space. I will skip to the main point: Allies Matter. Allies Matter A Lot. This was one of the main conclusions of both workshops…